A go-kart, also written as go-cart (often referred to as simply a kart), is a special category of motor sports. It is not only an event for car racing, but also a mass leisure, fitness and entertainment event. Because of the simple structure of the kart, it uses a light steel tube frame, is equipped with a 50cc, 80cc, 100cc, 125cc or 250cc gasoline engine, and is assembled into a 4-wheel single-seat miniature racing car. Driving on a twisty road. Go-kart driving can not only bring high physical and visual stimulation and fun to drivers, but also implement skills education for young people, cultivate their spirit of fighting hard despite hardships and setbacks, good psychological quality, consciously abide by discipline and each other. It is a good classroom for students to learn laws and regulations, establish good moral concepts, adapt to social development and popularize automobile driving technology, basic theoretical knowledge of automobiles and mechanical common sense, and improve hands-on ability.